A different perspective. An invitation for critical thinking. By showing the world in a certain way, film can make you reflect. You may even think differently after the movie than before. The VUB theme Poincaré stands for free enquiry, daring to be different and critical thinking. 

For six weeks the VUB Community can watch inspiring and engaging films thanks to the partnership with Flagey and some inspiring curators. Every week a different theme, every week new films. All in the context of 'The World Needs You'. Order your (free) ticket on the film festival's website. You will receive an e-mail with your personal link for six weeks of film pleasure. Also this week we add inspiring stories op VUB’ers. 

“Thinking must never submit itself, neither to a dogma, nor to a party, nor to a passion, nor to an interest, nor to a preconceived idea, nor to whatever it may be, if not to facts themselves, because, for it, to submit would be to cease to be.” 

Henri Poincaré

Poincaré is the only theme that does not directly links to one of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. It is, however, that extra pigment the VUB adds from its DNA to achieve these goals: free inquiry. The term is derived from the famous quote by French mathematician Henri Poincaré (1854-1912): thinking should never submit. Poincaré symbolises the free, critical thinking of the VUB. 

The world viewed from a hair salon in Matongé 

The films of week 2 may be a little different, but they are pleasant to watch. All four offer a different perspective, questioning the world. They invite you to look more closely, or to think differently. All of them take a special stance to freedom. 

This week's curator is VUB researcher Lisa Ahenkona. In the department of Communication Sciences, she is working on a visual participatory project in which people with a migration background reflect on their own image. She works with sans papiers as a film crew. 

With 'Chez Jolie Coiffure', Lisa chose a special Brussels film from 2018. It portraits the world from the hairdresser's salon of the Cameroonian Sabine, who escaped from Lebanese slavery and now cuts hair 14 hours a day, uncertain about her residence permit. It may not be the viewpoint you are usedto, but that makes it an enriching perspective on the world. 

We add 3 other authentically beautiful films, all of which make you reflect in one way or another. Because of their perspective, their being different, their critical view and freedom. 

Take a look at: