Forum Palliative Care and LevensEinde InformatieForum (LEIF), part of the Waardig Levenseinde Expertise Centre in Wemmel, are launching the LevensEindeApp (EndOfLifeApp, LEA) for doctors and care providers. LEA helps doctors and other healthcare providers to support seriously ill or palliative patients and their relatives. VUB palliative care expert Professor Wim Distelmans is part of the project.

UZ CEO Brussel Marc Noppen, doctor and geriatrician Ann Vandenbroucke, LEIF doctor and general practitioner Reinier Hueting and VUB palliative expert Professor Wim Distelmans are behind this valuable initiative. 

The app contains a lot of practical information about palliative care and the end of life. An overview of pain and symptom control (with attention to Covid-19) and all possible end-of-life decisions including palliative sedation are covered. Preliminary care and end-of-life decision-making, with the LEIF plan, communication tips for end-of-life conversations, the LEIF guidelines for physicians (for careful implementation of euthanasia), and the development of a palliative policy in residential care centres are also explained in detail.

LEA can be installed free of charge by adding to your phone’s home screen. This ensures the most recent update is always available.

See what UZ Brussel CEO Marc Noppen has to say about LEA