Dr. Gerlant Van Berlaer trok in februari de schrijfactie op gang met een emotionele brief aan zijn collega en vriend Ahamdreza. Die miste zijn effect niet. Niet enkel studenten en personeel van de VUB en het UZ Brussel kropen massaal in hun pen. Ook andere scholen en organisaties mobiliseerden hun achterban om brieven en kaartjes te schrijven: het Atheneum in Willebroek, het Koninklijk Atheneum Etterbeek, het RITC, deMENS.nu deden mee, net als vele anderen die per post lieten weten de actie te steunen. Samen schreven ze meer dan 3000 kaartjes.
De brieven en kaartjes werden op dinsdag 26 juni overgedragen aan Vida Mehrannia, de vrouw van dr. Djalali. Zij bedankte de Belgische actievoerders: “Many thanks to all Belgian people who are so supportive. ” Ook VUB en UZ Brussel danken iedereen die zijn nek uitsteekt en opkomt voor de rechten van dr. Djalali: alle studenten, medewerkers en hun familieleden, alle academische instanties en beleidsmakers in binnen- en buitenland, en de Belgische bisschoppen die gratie vragen voor Ahmadreza.
Tijdens de overhandiging sprak dr. Gerlant van Berlaer de volgende woorden [lees ook verder onder de video]:
As a proof of this warm solidarity, the VUB and UZ Brussel community, together with Amnesty International, started writing messages, to Ahmadreza and his beloved family. To let them know how we feel, how much we care, and to assure them we will continue to support them, and fight for Ahmad’s rights, and for his freedom. Vida, Arriyo and Amitis, please accept these thousands of solidarity-letters on behalf of the Belgian people, and let Ahmadreza know we will continue to care for him. He needs that.”
“As a colleague and a friend of doctor Ahmadreza Djalali, both working and sacrificing our life to making the world safer, to prevent or alleviate consequences of disasters, both of natural or man-made origin, I would like to deliver a message of hope.
We are all devastated when we think about what our friend and colleague is enduring, and with him: his wife, daughter and son. There is nothing more unjust than capturing and torturing a man who dedicated his life to saving the lives of other people – Iranian people in the first place. Accusing Ahmadreza of spying against his country is extremely absurd, as he always spoke with dignity and passion about his home nation, Iran. He has most probably been in the wrong spot at the wrong time, and is now himself a victim. Unbelievable.
So this is what we do as disaster medicine doctors and scientists, if we are aware of victims anywhere in the world: we try to help, we try to save. Regardless of color, location, politics, religion or danger: we want to help victims. It is exactly what Professor Djalali would have done for anybody in his position today. It is exactly what we need to do for Ahmadreza.
We cannot imagine how he must have felt the last two years, how he feels right now, and in the future. We know how his family feels, and how he loves his family. He is in this situation exactly because he wanted and wants to protect his family.
And this is why the VUB community, his fellow doctors of the University Hospital in Brussel, and his colleagues of the European Master in Disaster Medicine entailed a wave, no: a tsunami of positive actions. The response of the people of the VUB, of Brussels, Belgian and the European community with solidarity is overwhelming and warm, and continuing. We heartily thank the politicians who joined the fight for his case, for human rights, and for mankind. All of us are absolutely not ready to accept this unjust faith of one of our own protectors. And this wave of warm solidarity goes on, and will go on; until Ahmad is free.
As a proof of this warm solidarity, the VUB and UZ Brussel community, together with Amnesty International, started writing messages, to Ahmadreza and his beloved family. To let them know how we feel, how much we care, and to assure them we will continue to support them, and fight for Ahmad’s rights, and for his freedom.
Vida, Arriyo and Amitis, please accept these thousands of solidarity-letters on behalf of the Belgian people, and let Ahmadreza know we will continue to care for him. He needs that.”