Is Elektromechanica iets voor jou?
Wil je weten of de masteropleiding Elektromechanica bij je past? Ontdek het via onderstaande informatie en activiteiten.
Wat houdt deze opleiding in?
Zelfstandig en in teamverband complexe machines en elektromechanische systemen ontwerpen, zoals auto’s en vliegtuigen. Denk je nu: wow! Dan is dit dé opleiding voor jou. Nog niet overtuigd? Google even Burt Rutan, John Dabiri of Luc Donckerwolke, ontdek hun bijzondere carrière als industrieel ingenieur elektromechanica, en lees verder.
Waarom studeren aan de VUB?
Studeren aan de VUB levert je meer op dan alleen een diploma. Je leert met een open blik en vrij van vooroordelen naar de wereld te kijken. Je scherpt je kritische denkvermogen aan en leert je mening te uiten. En je engageert je om, naast je studies, deel te nemen aan zinvolle maatschappelijke projecten die van de wereld een betere plek maken. Kortom, hier geef je vorm aan je identiteit. Aan wie je vandaag bent en morgen wil zijn.
Spread the study load
Create your own studypath
Within the VUB, we want to maximize our commitment to personal development and give as many students as possible the opportunity to continue their studies and develop themselves. Depending on your personal situation, it may be more difficult to devote full time to your studies. For example, you combine your studies with a job, you do top-level sports, ...
At VUB you study at your own pace. With a flexible study pathway you make room for your personal situation (elite sports, dyslexia, disability, etc.). More information?
Study and examination flexibility
Reflex status
Do you have a physical disability, learning disability or chronic illness, or are you starting a business or finding it harder to study because of your personal situation? If so, you qualify for Reflex Status.
With this you can ask for a flexible approach to your studies and exams, to maximise your chances of success. You may need access to course materials, for example, or more time to sit an exam, a translator or interpreter, staggered examinations, and so on.
Elite sports and studying
Elite sports and study
Keen to combine your elite sporting career with a programme at VUB? It makes sense, as it strengthens your position in the jobs market after your sporting career ends.
Our Elite Sports & Study department helps you work out a personal study pathway and guides you through to the end.
Studying with a disability
Studying with a functional impairment
Do you have a disability (for example, a learning disability, chronic medical condition, psychiatric or sensory disability)? If so, you qualify for a flexible approach to your studies and exams through Reflex Status, to maximise your chances of success. You may need access to course materials, for example, or more time to sit an exam, a translator or interpreter, staggered examinations, and so on.
Find out more about Reflex Status
For extra support there are other student services to draw on at VUB. For example, a wheelchair-adapted room, study guidance and a personal study-pathway, mental healthcare, medical care, etc.
Study Guidance
Study Guidance
An experienced team of student psychologists, student counsellors and study-pathway supervisors are there to give you personal study advice, guidance and training. At every phase in your study career.
- Individual - Advice on your choice of programme, stress and anxiety training, help with exam planning, help for students with dyslexia...
- Group (workshops, courses) - Choosing a subject for your bachelor's or master's thesis, learning to present, dealing with stress and anxiety...
- Tools - An example of good weekly planning, tips and tricks for a good study method, a step plan to help you choose the right programme...
Werken en studeren combineren
Helaas, aan de VUB is het niet mogelijk om de opleiding Elektromechanica te volgen in avondonderwijs.
Studeren in het buitenland
Tijdens je opleiding kan je op uitwisseling naar Wallonië (Haute Ecole Paul-Henri Spaak – ISIB), of het buitenland: Estland (Tallinn University of Applied Sciences), Italië (Università Degli Studi Di Perugia en Università Degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza'), Oostenrijk (FH Joanneum – University of Applied Sciences), Roemenië (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca) en Spanje (Universidad Publica De Navarra).